Secrist Middle School
Home of the Scorpions
Katherine Sabel
Sabel’s Language Arts Class:
Important Dates:
December 11th no more late assignments accepted
December 15th binder checks begin, Binders must be in order and ready to be graded
Message date: March 10, 2015:
Sabel’s Language Arts classes have until Wednesday to turn in corrected or missing assignments. They must be attached to their grade print out sheet with the corrected assignment highlighted
Here is the independent project all of my 7th and 8th grade classes are working on. It is Homework and there will be very little class time dedicated to it.
Each student was to pick a novel
They are to read each night citing evidence and working through their study.
They are to use this information in their final project for Language Arts. This project will be completed in class the 16th-18th
All novels are due back to the library by the 15th. It is imperative that the work be done in order to complete the final project,
Katie Sabel